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- Bracket TV Standing Digimedia ST1420 atau TS01 utk
- Bracket Standing Technica Tripod TV 24"-42"
- Bracket Standing Dual TV Technica TD-175 32"-44"
- Standing Bracket Dual TV 42"-55"
- Bracket Ceiling Proyektor Projector Mount: NBT817-
- Bracket Standing TV Oxymus YD-1800 42-90" TV Kapas
- Bracket TV Tilt Nunduk Tegak North Bayou NBC3-T 42
NB F100 dekstop monitor bracket
Standing Bracket Terbaru Bracket Standing TV Oxymus YD-1800 42-90″ Spek : Bracket Heavy Duty Standing TV Roda Dorong YD1800 * Cocok untuk LED LCD TV 40″ – 90″ ( tergantung ukurang Vesa ) * Dapat digunakan ukuran VESA hingga 950×600 * Beban Maksimal 80Kg * Tinggi 178cm * Bisa berputar kiri kanan / Swivel 360°… selengkapnya
Rp 2.150.000 Rp 2.500.000Model: DF80-T Fit Most 65″-85″ Flat Panel LED, LCD TV. Our DF80-T cantilever TV mount was very popular design which made the consumers could install their TV by themselves in fast time. The dual arms design made the model looked much stronger and stable. With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished, the consumers could… selengkapnya
Rp 495.000 Rp 525.000Cocok untuk ukuran 19″ sampai 55″ yang hanya bisa menunduk tegak saja, tidak bisa tengok kiri kanan. Vessa atau jarak antar baut di belakang TV nya 40 x 40 cm. Seringkali cocok juga untuk TV sampai 60″ Mampu menahan beban sampai 35 kg
Rp 150.000 Rp 175.000Bracket Standing Roda Motorized North Bayou NB G85 Naik Turun Kokoh * Cocok untuk 55″-85″ flat panel TV * Dapat digunakan ukuran VESA 200×200 – 600×400 * Beban Maksimal 45.5Kg * Mudah Pemasangan * Terbuat dari Material yang kokoh SPECIFICATION Brand : NORTH BAYOU Model : G85 Support Monitor/TV : 1 Fit Size : 55″… selengkapnya
Rp 1.450.000 Rp 1.650.00019-24 inch Dual Screen Desktop Mount Sit-Stand Workstation BRACKET JEPIT MEJA DUAL SCREEN 22″ – 27″ X2 CAPACITY 6- 12 KG EXTENSION 1020MM ROLL 360″ VESA 7.5 X 7.5 – 10 X10 CM Features:>>> *Easily and simultaneously lift keyboard and LCD screen to proper height *Space saver for homes and… selengkapnya
Rp 1.790.000 Rp 1.950.000kami membuat bracket dual tv yang cocok untuk 2 tv sekaligus di satu tiang standing. Umumnya TV sampai TV 42″. Kalau diatas itu bisa juga namun dengan ukuran yang lebih besar. Harga Jual : Untuk yang Dual TV 42” Dual TV Kiri-kanan Rp 5.900.000,- Untuk Dual TV yang 55” Dual TV Kiri –kanan Rp… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSCocok untuk ukuran 19″ sampai 32″ yang hanya bisa menunduk tegak saja, tidak bisa tengok kiri kanan. Vessa atau jarak antar baut di belakang TV nya 27 x 26 cm.
Rp 85.000 Rp 100.000Bracket Standing Floor Universal yang cocok untuk TV LED semua merk. Standing Bracket LCD LED Wall Mounth 32″ 55″ SPESIFIKASI : – Bahan Dasar tiang holo 2 ml – Bracket bisa lepas pasang lengkap mur but ring dll – Rak DVD – Finishing Rapi – Ada Roda dan ada Locking – Tinggi +/- 170cm
Rp 900.000 Rp 1.100.000Fitur * With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished. * The consumers could slide their screen within the wall plate freely to fit their different horizontal screen viewing angle. * This low profile design made your ultrathin flat panel TV much closer to the wall, only 29mm(1.2”) distance from the wall. *… selengkapnya
Rp 185.000 Rp 260.000Model: NBC1-F Fit Most 17″-37″ Flat Panel LED, LCD TV. Our NBC1-F fixed mount was very popular design which made the consumers can install their TV at home by themselves in fast time. With our nice looking and high-quality surface powder coating finished, the consumers could easily hung up their universal LCD, LED display onto… selengkapnya
Rp 90.000 Rp 100.000