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- Standing Bracket Dual TV 42"-55"
- Standing Bracket North Bayou NBAVF1500-50-1P
- Bracket Standing Floor Technica TP58 untuk Pidato
- Bracket Proyektor Ceiling Atap NBT718-2 North Bayo
- Bracket Standing Dual TV Technica TD-175 32"-44"
- Bracket Dinding Putar Gas Strut TV North Bayou Mou
- Bracket TV Fixed Wall Mount North Bayou NBC3F 42"
- Bracket TV North Bayou NBD2-F FIX WALL TV BRACKET
standing bracket tv NB AVA 1500-60-1P 32″65″
Model: NBT817-60 Fit Most Universal Projectors. NB offers industry-leading ceiling projector mounts for ceiling installation that minimize installation time. Due to the thoughfull in designed, Its modular designed and pre-assemble in plant provides end users with convenient, flexibility and ease of use. Telescopic aluminum column designed allow you to have drop length from 15.4″ to… selengkapnya
Rp 250.000 Rp 380.000(F400) Gas Strut Full Motion TV Mount for TV up to 60″ TV Size:50″ – 60″ Weight Limit:14 – 23kg VESA Compliance:- 100 x 100mm – 200 x 100mm – 200 x 200mm – 400 x 200mm – 400 x 400mm Tilt Angles:-5° ~ + 15° Swivel: 180° Cable Management:Yes Min. Extension: 103mm Max. Extension:… selengkapnya
Rp 625.000 Rp 680.000* Heavy-duty dual poles mobile display stand. Black powder coating finished * Achieve maximum height of 1650mm (65”) * Smooth rolling casters for effortless positioning (4×3″ brake casters) * Integrated cable management inside poles * Carry maximum load 200lbs(90.9kg) and flat TV panels (55” to 90”) * Comes with standard height-adjustable AV shelf and camera… selengkapnya
Rp 2.250.000 Rp 3.500.000Tinggi bracket 150 cm, jadi cocok untuk video conference yang pesertanya duduk semua. This is the newest modular designed light weight mobile display stand from Emmymount. Stand comes in dark grey powder coat gives you a brand new looked with 2 heavy duty poles to give you over all height 1500mm (59”). AVA1500-60-1P comes with… selengkapnya
Rp 1.350.000 Rp 1.850.000The NB FC55 is an Ergonomics Interactive Sit-Stand Desktop Workstation allows you to convert your tabletop into a healthy working desk. FC55 is attached to the opposite end of a desk edge up to3.5″thick with a clamp. It comes with VESA bracket for mounting a display from 24″ to 35″. FC55 let you swing your… selengkapnya
Rp 2.450.000 Rp 2.600.000Bracket Standing Roda Motorized North Bayou NB G85 Naik Turun Kokoh * Cocok untuk 55″-85″ flat panel TV * Dapat digunakan ukuran VESA 200×200 – 600×400 * Beban Maksimal 45.5Kg * Mudah Pemasangan * Terbuat dari Material yang kokoh SPECIFICATION Brand : NORTH BAYOU Model : G85 Support Monitor/TV : 1 Fit Size : 55″… selengkapnya
Rp 1.450.000 Rp 1.650.000Deskripsi Bracket Standing TV Roda Dorong YD 1500 YD1500 32″-60″ Tilt Bracket Standing TV Roda Dorong YD1500 * Cocok untuk LED LCD TV 32″ – 60″ ( tergantung ukurang Vesa ) * Dapat digunakan ukuran VESA 100×100 – 600×400 * Beban Maksimal 50Kg * Tinggi bisa diatur 140-160cm * Bisa nunduk / Tilt +15°/-5° *… selengkapnya
Rp 1.200.000 Rp 1.500.000Bracket TV merupakan alat yang dipakai sebagai penyangga TV yang dipasang pada dinding atau plafon. banyak sekali merk bracket TV yang didagangkan di pasaran. pastikan waktu Anda membeli bracket TV, Anda perlu memastikan berat dan ukuran TV serta bagaimana nantinya Anda akan menonton TV. Berbagai jenis bracket TV yang banyak didagangkan baik itu secara online… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSModel: NBT718-2 Fit Most Universal Projectors. Our NBT718-2 projector mount features a flexible mounting system that fit for various projectors. Under the theory of nature and humanity, this item has the versatility to attach to nearly any ceiling and make the consumers can install their projectors by themselves in fast time. With our nice looking… selengkapnya
Rp 400.000 Rp 450.000kami membuat bracket dual tv yang cocok untuk 2 tv sekaligus di satu tiang standing. Umumnya TV sampai TV 42″. Kalau diatas itu bisa juga namun dengan ukuran yang lebih besar. Harga Jual : Untuk yang Dual TV 42” Dual TV Kiri-kanan Rp 5.900.000,- Untuk Dual TV yang 55” Dual TV Kiri –kanan Rp… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CS